Monday, August 30, 2010

Narrative : Gerard Pascual Maluenda

                Yo, this is my life. My own words I guess. Gerard is a sophisticated guy. I graduated my primary and secondary level in the same school. And now I’m taking my tertiary level at Informatics College Caloocan. I start learning bit by bit. I learned to talked, walked, ran through my friends, parents, relatives, teachers from school, teachers from outside the schools and through different kinds of people. And now I feel like I’m a semi-genius guy. Well, thanks to them I became curious and conscious about everything that’s why my blog name is everything. First of all, I became understanding in my surroundings in my age of 13. I explore my little world with myself. Then I got my first girl friend at the age of 13. I try to smoke and drink at the age of 15 and even now I still drink and smoke. I used to be a crybaby; I always cry and complain to my mom. I didn’t even know that I will be like this right now. When I was a kid, I always dream about being a soldier. Haha! I still don’t know why. At the age of 13 I dreamed about becoming a scientist. That’s the time I started making theories. To be exact or to be more specific, my Theories are for my own curiosity. I don’t like asking question to others. I like to look for the answer myself. At the age of 16 I dreamed about being a hacker or cracker. It’s a term use by computer programmers. Even now I’m still looking forward to become a hacker, although it’s bad. I’m not good in sharing so please just follow me at my facebook account. To see my daily post or daily news J that’s all for now.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Three Types of College Students

Having entered numbers of schools for my college, I have met various types of students from day to day. Encountering different types of students and categorizing them lessens my boredom during my vacant periods, when I’ve got nothing to do. Listing down the types I had made, There are three types of college students (1) the jocks, (2) the nerds, and (3) the normal people. The reason for this essay is to clear up some concepts regarding the three types of college students.

First group, The Jocks, is the show-off type of people who puts off their homework assignments until the last minute. Once the assignment is completed at the last minute, the assignment is usually scored a low grade. The reason for this is because the jocks are always partying, going out on dates, or having fun with their sorority. The jocks wear anything to include torn jeans/shirts, work down sneakers or boots and cheap, expensive-looking jacket.


The second group, known campus-wide, is the nerds because they are obsessed with books, constantly studying and learning about their interests. The nerds are usually annoying with their obnoxious laughter regarding a really stupid joke. The nerds wear a nice shirt with a bow tie, or a tie and a nicely ironed dress pants and always has a pocket protector to prevent ink stains from their pens. The nerd spends their school night with a tight schedule for recreation, school homework, and learning new things that captures their interests. Computer programming, calculator programming, the biology of their pet frog are some of the common things that interests the nerds.

The third group is the normal group, they are usually typical college students attending their scheduled classes, getting the homework assignments done and turned in on time. The normal group is usually mothers/fathers that have hired baby sitters to watch their son(s)/daughter(s) while they attend the college they are enrolled in. They spend their recreation time studying, exercising, having fun with their friends, spending time with family, or simply offering their time to give back to their community.

In Conclusion, there is no college campus without any of the three groups explained above. They are in each and every campus nationwide and they make the college campus more interesting, specifically for the psychology students. In my opinion, I think of myself on the borderline between the Jock and the nerds. On the jock side, I tend to postpone the homework assignments sometimes and eventually end up doing all of the assignments at the last-minute. On the nerd side, I never miss a day without using the internet and/or the computer, because I always use the computer to get my homework assignments done for most of the classes.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Facebook or Twitter?

Social networking sites are popularly in demand nowadays regardless of the age and lifestyle of its users. Be it ordinary or famous people, everyone’s got an account of their preferred sites for personal or business’ use. Base on my experience and research, in citing two of the most used social sites, I came up with Twitter and Facebook. This essay will enumerate the similarities and differences of those two networking social giants.
Facebook and Twitter are way similar to each other for it is both used for reconnecting with friends or family whom you have not seen for a long time, you can easily search for them if they’ve got an account of the same or one of the sites. Aside from your old friends you can also meet new acquaintances through the network and establish friendship with them. These sites help you keep in touch with friends and family way far from you. Your friends or family can update you with what’s happening to them and vice –versa. You can even use these sites for business purposes, such as promoting products or services.
Yet, these two have their differences too. Facebook is a mashup of features like email, instant messaging, image and video sharing. Most people can very quickly grasp how to use Facebook, using it to share thoughts, images, and the likes. Plus the user can play games and interact their characters with others, for example: Pet Society, Ninja Saga and many more. While with Twitter, you will get more immediate responses to your posts but has limited functionalities, you’ll find people, send only brief messages because it has limited to 140 characters per update and direct replies. Not all people find it immediately useful. It is more like stepping on to a stage, where you are communicating with an audience and quickly find that you need to find a voice and say something useful and interesting or quickly lose the attention of your audience. People refer to Twitter as a mini or micro blogging platform.
Which one would you prefer now? Well, in the end, both Twitter and Facebook are simply communication tools; both will continue to evolve and morph as users find new ways to extract value and either network may or may become a long term winner in the rapidly evolving social networking space.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Frat war


The cause or the problem or should I say one of our major problem here in our country is the frat war. Some of you might know the reason of frat wars. The source of the frat war are the people who joined the fraternity and even the sorority joined the frat war. They stucked themselves in the darkness of their history. They believe, when they continue fighting they will resolve something. They don't know that they causes to much pain in other people. They are all pain in the ass. They always think that their frat is supreme. No, they just don't know the cause. Also the cause of this is the misunderstanding of the frat wars.


The effect of these frat wars are killing themselves, civilians getting involved in their fight, they've become out of school or kicked out, they made a lot  of problems here in our country. Or the best thing to say is they just ruin their lives with their bare hands. They don't know anything about it. Maybe it's good when some people die because our population decreases, but being killed in a stupid war or fight is unacceptable. In schools, students involved themselves in fighting, smoking, drinking or any other vices even taking drugs, They will become one of the fugitives here in our country. Also in the streets they make fun of the walls, they usually vandalized the walls. What happen when they vandalized the wall? The roads will nor be pleasant to look. They keep litter everywhere. The effect of frat wars are causing us too much trouble. Maybe we can do something about these. How can we stop these? I need comments. Thank you.